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Kali ini saya share sebuah software dari uniblue yakni Uniblue DriverScanner 2012 build Full Version+Serial yang sudah pasti gratiss tanpa perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun :D haha. Software ini cukup bagus karena Driverscanner akan men-scan driver yang ada pada PC/Komputer Anda serta driver yang sudah Out-date atau sudah lama akan digantikan dengan driver yang baru apabila tersedia. akan tetapi, Sobat perlu mendownload driver tersebut dari software ini sebelum bisa diinstal. Dengan driver yang baru, akan membuat performance dari PC Sobat akan semakin baik. Bagi sobat yang ingin mencobanya, Silahkan..
What does this software do?
What does this software do?
The problem:
Old drivers may cause a range of problems, from diminished hardware functionality to conflicts and system crashes. Although drivers are available for free and can be updated manually, identifying outdated drivers can take a long time. Moreover, pinpointing just the right driver from the manufacturer's website, downloading and installing it can be laborious and technically risky.
The solution:
Built with simplicity in mind, DriverScanner scans your computer to provide a list of drivers that need to be updated. With single click convenience, DriverScanner will then safely install each update on your PC.
Old drivers may cause a range of problems, from diminished hardware functionality to conflicts and system crashes. Although drivers are available for free and can be updated manually, identifying outdated drivers can take a long time. Moreover, pinpointing just the right driver from the manufacturer's website, downloading and installing it can be laborious and technically risky.
The solution:
Built with simplicity in mind, DriverScanner scans your computer to provide a list of drivers that need to be updated. With single click convenience, DriverScanner will then safely install each update on your PC.
Download via mediafire :
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2 comment:
@ Mikail Husin : sama2,, Terima Kasih telah Berkunjung :)
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